acConstants.xba 14 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
  3. <script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="acConstants" script:language="StarBasic">
  4. REM =======================================================================================================================
  5. REM === The Access2Base library is a part of the LibreOffice project. ===
  6. REM === Full documentation is available on ===
  7. REM =======================================================================================================================
  8. Option Explicit
  9. REM Access2Base -----------------------------------------------------
  10. Global Const Access2Base_Version = &quot;7.1.0&quot; &apos; Alignment on LibreOffice versions
  11. REM AcCloseSave
  12. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  13. Global Const acSaveNo = 2
  14. Global Const acSavePrompt = 0
  15. Global Const acSaveYes = 1
  16. REM AcFormView
  17. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  18. Global Const acDesign = 1
  19. Global Const acNormal = 0
  20. Global Const acPreview = 2
  21. REM AcFormOpenDataMode
  22. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  23. Global Const acFormAdd = 0
  24. Global Const acFormEdit = 1
  25. Global Const acFormPropertySettings = -1
  26. Global Const acFormReadOnly = 2
  27. REM acView
  28. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  29. Global Const acViewDesign = 1
  30. Global Const acViewNormal = 0
  31. Global Const acViewPreview = 2
  32. REM acOpenDataMode
  33. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  34. Global Const acAdd = 0
  35. Global Const acEdit = 1
  36. Global Const acReadOnly = 2
  37. REM AcObjectType
  38. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  39. Global Const acDefault = -1
  40. Global Const acDiagram = 8
  41. Global Const acForm = 2
  42. Global Const acQuery = 1
  43. Global Const acReport = 3
  44. Global Const acTable = 0
  45. &apos; Unexisting in MS/Access
  46. Global Const acBasicIDE = 101
  47. Global Const acDatabaseWindow = 102
  48. Global Const acDocument = 111
  49. Global Const acWelcome = 112
  50. &apos; Subtype if acDocument
  51. Global Const docWriter = &quot;Writer&quot;
  52. Global Const docCalc = &quot;Calc&quot;
  53. Global Const docImpress = &quot;Impress&quot;
  54. Global Const docDraw = &quot;Draw&quot;
  55. Global Const docMath = &quot;Math&quot;
  56. REM AcWindowMode
  57. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  58. Global Const acDialog = 3
  59. Global Const acHidden = 1
  60. Global Const acIcon = 2
  61. Global Const acWindowNormal = 0
  62. REM VarType constants
  63. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  64. Global Const vbEmpty = 0
  65. Global Const vbNull = 1
  66. Global Const vbInteger = 2
  67. Global Const vbLong = 3
  68. Global Const vbSingle = 4
  69. Global Const vbDouble = 5
  70. Global Const vbCurrency = 6
  71. Global Const vbDate = 7
  72. Global Const vbString = 8
  73. Global Const vbObject = 9
  74. Global Const vbError = 10
  75. Global Const vbBoolean = 11
  76. Global Const vbVariant = 12
  77. Global Const vbByte = 17
  78. Global Const vbUShort = 18
  79. Global Const vbULong = 19
  80. Global Const vbBigint = 35
  81. Global Const vbDecimal = 37
  82. Global Const vbArray = 8192
  83. REM MsgBox constants
  84. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  85. Global Const vbOKOnly = 0 &apos; OK button only (default)
  86. Global Const vbOKCancel = 1 &apos; OK and Cancel buttons
  87. Global Const vbAbortRetryIgnore = 2 &apos; Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons
  88. Global Const vbYesNoCancel = 3 &apos; Yes, No, and Cancel buttons
  89. Global Const vbYesNo = 4 &apos; Yes and No buttons
  90. Global Const vbRetryCancel = 5 &apos; Retry and Cancel buttons
  91. Global Const vbCritical = 16 &apos; Critical message
  92. Global Const vbQuestion = 32 &apos; Warning query
  93. Global Const vbExclamation = 48 &apos; Warning message
  94. Global Const vbInformation = 64 &apos; Information message
  95. Global Const vbDefaultButton1 = 128 &apos; First button is default (default) (VBA: 0)
  96. Global Const vbDefaultButton2 = 256 &apos; Second button is default
  97. Global Const vbDefaultButton3 = 512 &apos; Third button is default
  98. Global Const vbApplicationModal = 0 &apos; Application modal message box (default)
  99. REM MsgBox Return Values
  100. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  101. Global Const vbOK = 1 &apos; OK button pressed
  102. Global Const vbCancel = 2 &apos; Cancel button pressed
  103. Global Const vbAbort = 3 &apos; Abort button pressed
  104. Global Const vbRetry = 4 &apos; Retry button pressed
  105. Global Const vbIgnore = 5 &apos; Ignore button pressed
  106. Global Const vbYes = 6 &apos; Yes button pressed
  107. Global Const vbNo = 7 &apos; No button pressed
  108. REM Dialogs Return Values
  109. REM ------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. Global Const dlgOK = 1 &apos; OK button pressed
  111. Global Const dlgCancel = 0 &apos; Cancel button pressed
  112. REM Control Types
  113. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  114. Global Const acCheckBox = 5
  115. Global Const acComboBox = 7
  116. Global Const acCommandButton = 2 : Global Const acToggleButton = 122
  117. Global Const acCurrencyField = 18
  118. Global Const acDateField = 15
  119. Global Const acFileControl = 12
  120. Global Const acFixedLine = 24 &apos; FREE ENTRY (USEFUL IN DIALOGS)
  121. Global Const acFixedText = 10 : Global Const acLabel = 10
  122. Global Const acFormattedField = 1 &apos; FREE ENTRY TAKEN TO NOT CONFUSE WITH acTextField
  123. Global Const acGridControl = 11
  124. Global Const acGroupBox = 8 : Global Const acOptionGroup = 8
  125. Global Const acHiddenControl = 13
  126. Global Const acImageButton = 4
  127. Global Const acImageControl = 14 : Global Const acImage = 14
  128. Global Const acListBox = 6
  129. Global Const acNavigationBar = 22
  130. Global Const acNumericField = 17
  131. Global Const acPatternField = 19
  132. Global Const acProgressBar = 23 &apos; FREE ENTRY (USEFUL IN DIALOGS)
  133. Global Const acRadioButton = 3 : Global Const acOptionButton = 3
  134. Global Const acScrollBar = 20
  135. Global Const acSpinButton = 21
  136. Global Const acSubform = 112
  137. Global Const acTextField = 9 : Global Const acTextBox = 9
  138. Global Const acTimeField = 16
  139. REM AcRecord
  140. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  141. Global Const acFirst = 2
  142. Global Const acGoTo = 4
  143. Global Const acLast = 3
  144. Global Const acNewRec = 5
  145. Global Const acNext = 1
  146. Global Const acPrevious = 0
  147. REM FindRecord
  148. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  149. Global Const acAnywhere = 0
  150. Global Const acEntire = 1
  151. Global Const acStart = 2
  152. Global Const acDown = 1
  153. Global Const acSearchAll = 2
  154. Global Const acUp = 0
  155. Global Const acAll = 0
  156. Global Const acCurrent = -1
  157. REM AcDataObjectType
  158. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  159. Global Const acActiveDataObject = -1
  160. Global Const acDataForm = 2
  161. Global Const acDataQuery = 1
  162. Global Const acDataServerView = 7
  163. Global Const acDataStoredProcedure = 9
  164. Global Const acDataTable = 0
  165. REM AcQuitOption
  166. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  167. Global Const acQuitPrompt = 0
  168. Global Const acQuitSaveAll = 1
  169. Global Const acQuitSaveNone = 2
  170. REM AcCommand
  171. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  172. Global Const acCmdAboutMicrosoftAccess = 35
  173. Global Const acCmdAboutOpenOffice = 35
  174. Global Const acCmdAboutLibreOffice = 35
  175. Global Const acCmdVisualBasicEditor = 525
  176. Global Const acCmdBringToFront = 52
  177. Global Const acCmdClose = 58
  178. Global Const acCmdToolbarsCustomize = 165
  179. Global Const acCmdChangeToCommandButton = 501
  180. Global Const acCmdChangeToCheckBox = 231
  181. Global Const acCmdChangeToComboBox = 230
  182. Global Const acCmdChangeToTextBox = 227
  183. Global Const acCmdChangeToLabel = 228
  184. Global Const acCmdChangeToImage = 234
  185. Global Const acCmdChangeToListBox = 229
  186. Global Const acCmdChangeToOptionButton = 233
  187. Global Const acCmdCopy = 190
  188. Global Const acCmdCut = 189
  189. Global Const acCmdCreateRelationship = 150
  190. Global Const acCmdDelete = 337
  191. Global Const acCmdDatabaseProperties = 256
  192. Global Const acCmdSQLView = 184
  193. Global Const acCmdRemove = 366
  194. Global Const acCmdDesignView = 183
  195. Global Const acCmdFormView = 281
  196. Global Const acCmdNewObjectForm = 136
  197. Global Const acCmdNewObjectTable = 134
  198. Global Const acCmdNewObjectView = 350
  199. Global Const acCmdOpenDatabase = 25
  200. Global Const acCmdNewObjectQuery = 135
  201. Global Const acCmdShowAllRelationships = 149
  202. Global Const acCmdNewObjectReport = 137
  203. Global Const acCmdSelectAll = 333
  204. Global Const acCmdRemoveTable = 84
  205. Global Const acCmdOpenTable = 221
  206. Global Const acCmdRename = 143
  207. Global Const acCmdDeleteRecord = 223
  208. Global Const acCmdApplyFilterSort = 93
  209. Global Const acCmdSnapToGrid = 62
  210. Global Const acCmdViewGrid = 63
  211. Global Const acCmdInsertHyperlink = 259
  212. Global Const acCmdMaximumRecords = 508
  213. Global Const acCmdObjectBrowser = 200
  214. Global Const acCmdPaste = 191
  215. Global Const acCmdPasteSpecial = 64
  216. Global Const acCmdPrint = 340
  217. Global Const acCmdPrintPreview = 54
  218. Global Const acCmdSaveRecord = 97
  219. Global Const acCmdFind = 30
  220. Global Const acCmdUndo = 292
  221. Global Const acCmdRefresh = 18
  222. Global Const acCmdRemoveFilterSort = 144
  223. Global Const acCmdRunMacro = 31
  224. Global Const acCmdSave = 20
  225. Global Const acCmdSaveAs = 21
  226. Global Const acCmdSelectAllRecords = 109
  227. Global Const acCmdSendToBack = 53
  228. Global Const acCmdSortDescending = 164
  229. Global Const acCmdSortAscending = 163
  230. Global Const acCmdTabOrder = 41
  231. Global Const acCmdDatasheetView = 282
  232. Global Const acCmdZoomSelection = 371
  233. REM AcSendObjectType
  234. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  235. Global Const acSendForm = 2
  236. Global Const acSendNoObject = -1
  237. Global Const acSendQuery = 1
  238. Global Const acSendReport = 3
  239. Global Const acSendTable = 0
  240. REM AcOutputObjectType
  241. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  242. Global Const acOutputTable = 0
  243. Global Const acOutputQuery = 1
  244. Global Const acOutputForm = 2
  245. Global Const acOutputArray = -1
  246. REM AcEncoding
  247. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  248. Global Const acUTF8Encoding = 76
  249. REM AcFormat
  250. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  251. Global Const acFormatPDF = &quot;writer_pdf_Export&quot;
  252. Global Const acFormatODT = &quot;writer8&quot;
  253. Global Const acFormatDOC = &quot;MS Word 97&quot;
  254. Global Const acFormatHTML = &quot;HTML&quot;
  255. Global Const acFormatODS = &quot;calc8&quot;
  256. Global Const acFormatXLS = &quot;MS Excel 97&quot;
  257. Global Const acFormatXLSX = &quot;Calc MS Excel 2007 XML&quot;
  258. Global Const acFormatTXT = &quot;Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)&quot;
  259. REM AcExportQuality
  260. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  261. Global Const acExportQualityPrint = 0
  262. Global Const acExportQualityScreen = 1
  263. REM AcSysCmdAction
  264. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  265. Global Const acSysCmdAccessDir = 9
  266. Global Const acSysCmdAccessVer = 7
  267. Global Const acSysCmdClearHelpTopic = 11
  268. Global Const acSysCmdClearStatus = 5
  269. Global Const acSysCmdGetObjectState = 10
  270. Global Const acSysCmdGetWorkgroupFile = 13
  271. Global Const acSysCmdIniFile = 8
  272. Global Const acSysCmdInitMeter = 1
  273. Global Const acSysCmdProfile = 12
  274. Global Const acSysCmdRemoveMeter = 3
  275. Global Const acSysCmdRuntime = 6
  276. Global Const acSysCmdSetStatus = 4
  277. Global Const acSysCmdUpdateMeter = 2
  278. REM Type property
  279. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  280. Global Const dbBigInt = 16
  281. Global Const dbBinary = 9
  282. Global Const dbBoolean = 1
  283. Global Const dbByte = 2
  284. Global Const dbChar = 18
  285. Global Const dbCurrency = 5
  286. Global Const dbDate = 8
  287. Global Const dbDecimal = 20
  288. Global Const dbDouble = 7
  289. Global Const dbFloat = 21
  290. Global Const dbGUID = 15
  291. Global Const dbInteger = 3
  292. Global Const dbLong = 4
  293. Global Const dbLongBinary = 11 &apos; (OLE Object)
  294. Global Const dbMemo= 12
  295. Global Const dbNumeric = 19
  296. Global Const dbSingle = 6
  297. Global Const dbText = 10
  298. Global Const dbTime = 22
  299. Global Const dbTimeStamp = 23
  300. Global Const dbVarBinary = 17
  301. Global Const dbUndefined = -1
  302. REM Attributes property
  303. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  304. Global Const dbAutoIncrField = 16
  305. Global Const dbDescending = 1
  306. Global Const dbFixedField = 1
  307. Global Const dbHyperlinkField = 32768
  308. Global Const dbSystemField = 8192
  309. Global Const dbUpdatableField = 32
  310. Global Const dbVariableField = 2
  311. REM OpenRecordset
  312. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  313. Global Const dbOpenForwardOnly = 8
  314. Global Const dbSQLPassThrough = 64
  315. Global Const dbReadOnly = 4
  316. REM Query types
  317. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  318. Global Const dbQAction = 240
  319. Global Const dbQAppend = 64
  320. Global Const dbQDDL = 4 &apos;96
  321. Global Const dbQDelete = 32
  322. Global Const dbQMakeTable = 128 &apos;80
  323. Global Const dbQSelect = 0
  324. Global Const dbQSetOperation = 8 &apos;128
  325. Global Const dbQSQLPassThrough = 1 &apos;112
  326. Global Const dbQUpdate = 16 &apos;48
  327. REM Edit mode
  328. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  329. Global Const dbEditNone = 0
  330. Global Const dbEditInProgress = 1
  331. Global Const dbEditAdd = 2
  332. REM Toolbars
  333. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  334. Global Const msoBarTypeNormal = 0 &apos; Usual toolbar
  335. Global Const msoBarTypeMenuBar = 1 &apos; Menu bar
  336. Global Const msoBarTypePopup = 2 &apos; Shortcut menu
  337. Global Const msoBarTypeStatusBar = 11 &apos; Status bar
  338. Global Const msoBarTypeFloater = 12 &apos; Floating window
  339. Global Const msoControlButton = 1 &apos; Command button
  340. Global Const msoControlPopup = 10 &apos; Popup, submenu
  341. REM New Lines
  342. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  343. Public Function vbCr() As String : vbCr = Chr(13) : End Function
  344. Public Function vbLf() As String : vbLf = Chr(10) : End Function
  345. Public Function vbNewLine() As String
  346. Const cstWindows = 1
  347. If GetGuiType() = cstWindows Then vbNewLine = vbCR &amp; vbLF Else vbNewLine = vbLF
  348. End Function &apos; vbNewLine V1.4.0
  349. Public Function vbTab() As String : vbTab = Chr(9) : End Function
  350. REM Module types
  351. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  352. Global Const acClassModule = 1
  353. Global Const acStandardModule = 0
  354. REM (Module) procedure types
  355. REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  356. Global Const vbext_pk_Get = 1 &apos; A Property Get procedure
  357. Global Const vbext_pk_Let = 2 &apos; A Property Let procedure
  358. Global Const vbext_pk_Proc = 0 &apos; A Sub or Function procedure
  359. Global Const vbext_pk_Set = 3 &apos; A Property Set procedure
  360. </script:module>