62 KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. # Copyright 2012-2020 Jean-Pierre LEDURE
  3. # =====================================================================================================================
  4. # === The Access2Base library is a part of the LibreOffice project. ===
  5. # === Full documentation is available on ===
  6. # =====================================================================================================================
  7. # Access2Base is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  8. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  10. # Access2Base is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either (at your option):
  11. # 1) The Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not
  12. # distributed with this file, you can obtain one at .
  13. # 2) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
  14. # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  15. # (at your option) any later version. If a copy of the LGPL was not
  16. # distributed with this file, see .
  17. """
  18. The module implements an interface between Python (user) scripts and the Access2Base Basic library.
  19. Usage:
  20. from access2base import *
  21. Additionally, if Python and LibreOffice are started in separate processes:
  22. If LibreOffice started from console ... (example for Linux)
  23. ./soffice --accept='socket,host=localhost,port=2019;urp;'
  24. then insert next statement
  25. A2BConnect(hostname = 'localhost', port = 2019)
  26. Specific documentation about Access2Base and Python:
  28. """
  29. import uno
  31. from platform import system as _opsys
  32. import datetime, os, sys, traceback
  33. _LIBRARY = '' # Should be 'Access2Base' or 'Access2BaseDev'
  34. _VERSION = '7.4' # Actual version number
  35. _WRAPPERMODULE = 'Python' # Module name in the Access2Base library containing Python interfaces
  36. # CallByName types
  37. _vbGet, _vbLet, _vbMethod, _vbSet, _vbUNO = 2, 4, 1, 8, 16
  38. class _Singleton(type):
  39. """
  40. A Singleton design pattern
  41. Credits: « Python in a Nutshell » by Alex Martelli, O'Reilly
  42. """
  43. instances = {}
  44. def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
  45. if cls not in cls.instances:
  46. cls.instances[cls] = super(_Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
  47. return cls.instances[cls]
  48. class acConstants(object, metaclass = _Singleton):
  49. """
  50. VBA constants used in the Access2Base API.
  51. Values derived from MSAccess, except when conflicts
  52. """
  53. # Python special constants (used in the protocol between Python and Basic)
  54. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  55. Empty = '+++EMPTY+++'
  56. Null = '+++NULL+++'
  57. Missing = '+++MISSING+++'
  58. FromIsoFormat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' # To be used with datetime.datetime.strptime()
  59. # AcCloseSave
  60. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  61. acSaveNo = 2
  62. acSavePrompt = 0
  63. acSaveYes = 1
  64. # AcFormView
  65. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  66. acDesign = 1
  67. acNormal = 0
  68. acPreview = 2
  69. # AcFormOpenDataMode
  70. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  71. acFormAdd = 0
  72. acFormEdit = 1
  73. acFormPropertySettings = -1
  74. acFormReadOnly = 2
  75. # acView
  76. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  77. acViewDesign = 1
  78. acViewNormal = 0
  79. acViewPreview = 2
  80. # acOpenDataMode
  81. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  82. acAdd = 0
  83. acEdit = 1
  84. acReadOnly = 2
  85. # AcObjectType
  86. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  87. acDefault = -1
  88. acDiagram = 8
  89. acForm = 2
  90. acQuery = 1
  91. acReport = 3
  92. acTable = 0
  93. # Unexisting in MS/Access
  94. acBasicIDE = 101
  95. acDatabaseWindow = 102
  96. acDocument = 111
  97. acWelcome = 112
  98. # Subtype if acDocument
  99. docWriter = "Writer"
  100. docCalc = "Calc"
  101. docImpress = "Impress"
  102. docDraw = "Draw"
  103. docMath = "Math"
  104. # AcWindowMode
  105. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  106. acDialog = 3
  107. acHidden = 1
  108. acIcon = 2
  109. acWindowNormal = 0
  110. # VarType constants
  111. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  112. vbEmpty = 0
  113. vbNull = 1
  114. vbInteger = 2
  115. vbLong = 3
  116. vbSingle = 4
  117. vbDouble = 5
  118. vbCurrency = 6
  119. vbDate = 7
  120. vbString = 8
  121. vbObject = 9
  122. vbBoolean = 11
  123. vbVariant = 12
  124. vbByte = 17
  125. vbUShort = 18
  126. vbULong = 19
  127. vbBigint = 35
  128. vbDecimal = 37
  129. vbArray = 8192
  130. # MsgBox constants
  131. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  132. vbOKOnly = 0 # OK button only (default)
  133. vbOKCancel = 1 # OK and Cancel buttons
  134. vbAbortRetryIgnore = 2 # Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons
  135. vbYesNoCancel = 3 # Yes, No, and Cancel buttons
  136. vbYesNo = 4 # Yes and No buttons
  137. vbRetryCancel = 5 # Retry and Cancel buttons
  138. vbCritical = 16 # Critical message
  139. vbQuestion = 32 # Warning query
  140. vbExclamation = 48 # Warning message
  141. vbInformation = 64 # Information message
  142. vbDefaultButton1 = 128 # First button is default (default) (VBA: 0)
  143. vbDefaultButton2 = 256 # Second button is default
  144. vbDefaultButton3 = 512 # Third button is default
  145. vbApplicationModal = 0 # Application modal message box (default)
  146. # MsgBox Return Values
  147. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  148. vbOK = 1 # OK button pressed
  149. vbCancel = 2 # Cancel button pressed
  150. vbAbort = 3 # Abort button pressed
  151. vbRetry = 4 # Retry button pressed
  152. vbIgnore = 5 # Ignore button pressed
  153. vbYes = 6 # Yes button pressed
  154. vbNo = 7 # No button pressed
  155. # Dialogs Return Values
  156. # ------------------------------------------------------------------
  157. dlgOK = 1 # OK button pressed
  158. dlgCancel = 0 # Cancel button pressed
  159. # Control Types
  160. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  161. acCheckBox = 5
  162. acComboBox = 7
  163. acCommandButton = 2
  164. acToggleButton = 122
  165. acCurrencyField = 18
  166. acDateField = 15
  167. acFileControl = 12
  168. acFixedLine = 24 # FREE ENTRY (USEFUL IN DIALOGS)
  169. acFixedText = 10
  170. acLabel = 10
  171. acFormattedField = 1 # FREE ENTRY TAKEN TO NOT CONFUSE WITH acTextField
  172. acGridControl = 11
  173. acGroupBox = 8
  174. acOptionGroup = 8
  175. acHiddenControl = 13
  176. acImageButton = 4
  177. acImageControl = 14
  178. acImage = 14
  179. acListBox = 6
  180. acNavigationBar = 22
  181. acNumericField = 17
  182. acPatternField = 19
  183. acProgressBar = 23 # FREE ENTRY (USEFUL IN DIALOGS)
  184. acRadioButton = 3
  185. acOptionButton = 3
  186. acScrollBar = 20
  187. acSpinButton = 21
  188. acSubform = 112
  189. acTextField = 9
  190. acTextBox = 9
  191. acTimeField = 16
  192. # AcRecord
  193. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  194. acFirst = 2
  195. acGoTo = 4
  196. acLast = 3
  197. acNewRec = 5
  198. acNext = 1
  199. acPrevious = 0
  200. # FindRecord
  201. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  202. acAnywhere = 0
  203. acEntire = 1
  204. acStart = 2
  205. acDown = 1
  206. acSearchAll = 2
  207. acUp = 0
  208. acAll = 0
  209. acCurrent = -1
  210. # AcDataObjectType
  211. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  212. acActiveDataObject = -1
  213. acDataForm = 2
  214. acDataQuery = 1
  215. acDataServerView = 7
  216. acDataStoredProcedure = 9
  217. acDataTable = 0
  218. # AcQuitOption
  219. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  220. acQuitPrompt = 0
  221. acQuitSaveAll = 1
  222. acQuitSaveNone = 2
  223. # AcCommand
  224. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  225. acCmdAboutMicrosoftAccess = 35
  226. acCmdAboutOpenOffice = 35
  227. acCmdAboutLibreOffice = 35
  228. acCmdVisualBasicEditor = 525
  229. acCmdBringToFront = 52
  230. acCmdClose = 58
  231. acCmdToolbarsCustomize = 165
  232. acCmdChangeToCommandButton = 501
  233. acCmdChangeToCheckBox = 231
  234. acCmdChangeToComboBox = 230
  235. acCmdChangeToTextBox = 227
  236. acCmdChangeToLabel = 228
  237. acCmdChangeToImage = 234
  238. acCmdChangeToListBox = 229
  239. acCmdChangeToOptionButton = 233
  240. acCmdCopy = 190
  241. acCmdCut = 189
  242. acCmdCreateRelationship = 150
  243. acCmdDelete = 337
  244. acCmdDatabaseProperties = 256
  245. acCmdSQLView = 184
  246. acCmdRemove = 366
  247. acCmdDesignView = 183
  248. acCmdFormView = 281
  249. acCmdNewObjectForm = 136
  250. acCmdNewObjectTable = 134
  251. acCmdNewObjectView = 350
  252. acCmdOpenDatabase = 25
  253. acCmdNewObjectQuery = 135
  254. acCmdShowAllRelationships = 149
  255. acCmdNewObjectReport = 137
  256. acCmdSelectAll = 333
  257. acCmdRemoveTable = 84
  258. acCmdOpenTable = 221
  259. acCmdRename = 143
  260. acCmdDeleteRecord = 223
  261. acCmdApplyFilterSort = 93
  262. acCmdSnapToGrid = 62
  263. acCmdViewGrid = 63
  264. acCmdInsertHyperlink = 259
  265. acCmdMaximumRecords = 508
  266. acCmdObjectBrowser = 200
  267. acCmdPaste = 191
  268. acCmdPasteSpecial = 64
  269. acCmdPrint = 340
  270. acCmdPrintPreview = 54
  271. acCmdSaveRecord = 97
  272. acCmdFind = 30
  273. acCmdUndo = 292
  274. acCmdRefresh = 18
  275. acCmdRemoveFilterSort = 144
  276. acCmdRunMacro = 31
  277. acCmdSave = 20
  278. acCmdSaveAs = 21
  279. acCmdSelectAllRecords = 109
  280. acCmdSendToBack = 53
  281. acCmdSortDescending = 164
  282. acCmdSortAscending = 163
  283. acCmdTabOrder = 41
  284. acCmdDatasheetView = 282
  285. acCmdZoomSelection = 371
  286. # AcSendObjectType
  287. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  288. acSendForm = 2
  289. acSendNoObject = -1
  290. acSendQuery = 1
  291. acSendReport = 3
  292. acSendTable = 0
  293. # AcOutputObjectType
  294. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  295. acOutputTable = 0
  296. acOutputQuery = 1
  297. acOutputForm = 2
  298. acOutputArray = -1
  299. # AcEncoding
  300. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  301. acUTF8Encoding = 76
  302. # AcFormat
  303. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  304. acFormatPDF = "writer_pdf_Export"
  305. acFormatODT = "writer8"
  306. acFormatDOC = "MS Word 97"
  307. acFormatHTML = "HTML"
  308. acFormatODS = "calc8"
  309. acFormatXLS = "MS Excel 97"
  310. acFormatXLSX = "Calc MS Excel 2007 XML"
  311. acFormatTXT = "Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)"
  312. # AcExportQuality
  313. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  314. acExportQualityPrint = 0
  315. acExportQualityScreen = 1
  316. # AcSysCmdAction
  317. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  318. acSysCmdAccessDir = 9
  319. acSysCmdAccessVer = 7
  320. acSysCmdClearHelpTopic = 11
  321. acSysCmdClearStatus = 5
  322. acSysCmdGetObjectState = 10
  323. acSysCmdGetWorkgroupFile = 13
  324. acSysCmdIniFile = 8
  325. acSysCmdInitMeter = 1
  326. acSysCmdProfile = 12
  327. acSysCmdRemoveMeter = 3
  328. acSysCmdRuntime = 6
  329. acSysCmdSetStatus = 4
  330. acSysCmdUpdateMeter = 2
  331. # Type property
  332. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  333. dbBigInt = 16
  334. dbBinary = 9
  335. dbBoolean = 1
  336. dbByte = 2
  337. dbChar = 18
  338. dbCurrency = 5
  339. dbDate = 8
  340. dbDecimal = 20
  341. dbDouble = 7
  342. dbFloat = 21
  343. dbGUID = 15
  344. dbInteger = 3
  345. dbLong = 4
  346. dbLongBinary = 11 # (OLE Object)
  347. dbMemo = 12
  348. dbNumeric = 19
  349. dbSingle = 6
  350. dbText = 10
  351. dbTime = 22
  352. dbTimeStamp = 23
  353. dbVarBinary = 17
  354. dbUndefined = -1
  355. # Attributes property
  356. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  357. dbAutoIncrField = 16
  358. dbDescending = 1
  359. dbFixedField = 1
  360. dbHyperlinkField = 32768
  361. dbSystemField = 8192
  362. dbUpdatableField = 32
  363. dbVariableField = 2
  364. # OpenRecordset
  365. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  366. dbOpenForwardOnly = 8
  367. dbSQLPassThrough = 64
  368. dbReadOnly = 4
  369. # Query types
  370. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  371. dbQAction = 240
  372. dbQAppend = 64
  373. dbQDDL = 4 # 96
  374. dbQDelete = 32
  375. dbQMakeTable = 128 # 80
  376. dbQSelect = 0
  377. dbQSetOperation = 8 # 128
  378. dbQSQLPassThrough = 1 # 112
  379. dbQUpdate = 16 # 48
  380. # Edit mode
  381. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  382. dbEditNone = 0
  383. dbEditInProgress = 1
  384. dbEditAdd = 2
  385. # Toolbars
  386. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  387. msoBarTypeNormal = 0 # Usual toolbar
  388. msoBarTypeMenuBar = 1 # Menu bar
  389. msoBarTypePopup = 2 # Shortcut menu
  390. msoBarTypeStatusBar = 11 # Status bar
  391. msoBarTypeFloater = 12 # Floating window
  392. msoControlButton = 1 # Command button
  393. msoControlPopup = 10 # Popup, submenu
  394. # New Lines
  395. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  396. vbCr = chr(13)
  397. vbLf = chr(10)
  398. def _NewLine():
  399. if _opsys == 'Windows': return chr(13) + chr(10)
  400. return chr(10)
  401. vbNewLine = _NewLine()
  402. vbTab = chr(9)
  403. # Module types
  404. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  405. acClassModule = 1
  406. acStandardModule = 0
  407. # (Module) procedure types
  408. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  409. vbext_pk_Get = 1 # A Property Get procedure
  410. vbext_pk_Let = 2 # A Property Let procedure
  411. vbext_pk_Proc = 0 # A Sub or Function procedure
  412. vbext_pk_Set = 3 # A Property Set procedure
  414. def _ErrorHandler(type, value, tb):
  415. '''
  416. Is the function to be set as new sys.excepthook to bypass the standard error handler
  417. Derived from
  418. Handler removes traces pointing to methods located in when error is due to a user programming error
  419. sys.excepthook = _ErrorHandler
  421. '''
  422. def check_file(name):
  423. return '' not in name
  424. show = (fs for fs in traceback.extract_tb(tb) if check_file(fs.filename))
  425. fmt = traceback.format_list(show) + traceback.format_exception_only(type, value)
  426. print(''.join(fmt), end = '', file = sys.stderr)
  427. # Reset to standard handler
  428. sys.excepthook = sys.__excepthook__
  429. def A2BConnect(hostname = '', port = 0):
  430. """
  431. To be called explicitly by user scripts when Python process runs outside the LibreOffice process.
  432. LibreOffice started as (Linux):
  433. ./soffice --accept='socket,host=localhost,port=xxxx;urp;'
  434. Otherwise called implicitly by the current module without arguments
  436. :param hostname: probably 'localhost' or ''
  437. :param port: port number or 0
  438. :return: None
  439. """
  441. # Determine COMPONENTCONTEXT, via socket or inside LibreOffice
  442. if len(hostname) > 0 and port > 0: # Explicit connection request via socket
  443. # Code derived from by Alain H. Romedenne
  444. local_context = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext()
  445. resolver = local_context.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
  446. '', local_context)
  447. try:
  448. conn = 'socket,host=%s,port=%d' % (hostname, port)
  449. connection_url = 'uno:%s;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext' % conn
  450. established_context = resolver.resolve(connection_url)
  451. except Exception: # thrown when LibreOffice specified instance isn't started
  452. raise ConnectionError('Connection to LibreOffice failed (host = ' + hostname + ', port = ' + str(port) + ')')
  453. COMPONENTCONTEXT = established_context
  454. DESKTOP = None
  455. elif len(hostname) == 0 and port == 0: # Usual interactive mode
  457. DESKTOP = COMPONENTCONTEXT.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext( '', COMPONENTCONTEXT)
  458. else:
  459. raise SystemExit('The invocation of A2BConnect() has invalid arguments')
  460. # Determine SCRIPTPROVIDER
  461. servicemanager = COMPONENTCONTEXT.ServiceManager
  462. masterscript = servicemanager.createInstanceWithContext("", COMPONENTCONTEXT)
  463. SCRIPTPROVIDER = masterscript.createScriptProvider("")
  464. Script = _A2B.xScript('TraceLog', 'Trace') # Don't use invokeMethod() to force reset of error stack
  465. Script.invoke(('===>', 'Python wrapper loaded V.' + _VERSION, False), (), ())
  466. return None
  467. class _A2B(object, metaclass = _Singleton):
  468. """
  469. Collection of helper functions implementing the protocol between Python and Basic
  470. Read comments in PythonWrapper Basic function
  471. """
  472. @classmethod
  473. def BasicObject(cls, objectname):
  474. objs = {'COLLECTION': _Collection
  475. , 'COMMANDBAR': _CommandBar
  476. , 'COMMANDBARCONTROL': _CommandBarControl
  477. , 'CONTROL': _Control
  478. , 'DATABASE': _Database
  479. , 'DIALOG': _Dialog
  480. , 'EVENT': _Event
  481. , 'FIELD': _Field
  482. , 'FORM': _Form
  483. , 'MODULE': _Module
  484. , 'OPTIONGROUP': _OptionGroup
  485. , 'PROPERTY': _Property
  486. , 'QUERYDEF': _QueryDef
  487. , 'RECORDSET': _Recordset
  488. , 'SUBFORM': _SubForm
  489. , 'TABLEDEF': _TableDef
  490. , 'TEMPVAR': _TempVar
  491. }
  492. return objs[objectname]
  493. @classmethod
  494. def xScript(cls, script, module):
  495. """
  496. At first call checks the existence of the Access2Base library
  497. Initializes _LIBRARY with the found library name
  498. First and next calls execute the given script in the given module of the _LIBRARY library
  499. The script and module are presumed to exist
  500. :param script: name of script
  501. :param module: name of module
  502. :return: the script object. NB: the execution is done with the invoke() method applied on the returned object
  503. """
  504. global _LIBRARY
  505. Script = None
  506. def sScript(lib):
  507. return '' + lib + '.' + module + '.' + script + '?language=Basic&location=application'
  508. if _LIBRARY == '':
  509. # Check the availability of the Access2Base library
  510. for lib in ('Access2BaseDev', 'Access2Base'):
  511. try:
  512. if Script == None:
  513. Script = SCRIPTPROVIDER.getScript(sScript(lib))
  514. _LIBRARY = lib
  515. except Exception:
  516. pass
  517. if Script == None:
  518. raise SystemExit('Access2Base basic library not found')
  519. else:
  520. Script = SCRIPTPROVIDER.getScript(sScript(_LIBRARY))
  521. return Script
  522. @classmethod
  523. def A2BErrorCode(cls):
  524. """
  525. Return the Access2Base error stack as a tuple
  526. 0 => error code
  527. 1 => severity level
  528. 2 => short error message
  529. 3 => long error message
  530. """
  531. Script = cls.xScript('TraceErrorCode', 'Trace')
  532. return Script.invoke((), (), ())[0]
  533. @classmethod
  534. def invokeMethod(cls, script, module, *args):
  535. """
  536. Direct call to a named script/module pair with their arguments
  537. If the arguments do not match their definition at the Basic side, a TypeError is raised
  538. :param script: name of script
  539. :param module: name of module
  540. :param args: list of arguments to be passed to the script
  541. :return: the value returned by the script execution
  542. """
  543. if COMPONENTCONTEXT == None: A2BConnect() # Connection from inside LibreOffice is done at first API invocation
  544. Script = cls.xScript(script, module)
  545. try:
  546. Returned = Script.invoke((args), (), ())[0]
  547. except Exception:
  548. raise TypeError("Access2Base error: method '" + script + "' in Basic module '" + module + "' call error. Check its arguments.")
  549. else:
  550. if Returned == None:
  551. if cls.VerifyNoError(): return None
  552. return Returned
  553. @classmethod
  554. def invokeWrapper(cls, action, basic, script, *args):
  555. """
  556. Call the Basic wrapper to invite it to execute the proposed action on a Basic object
  557. If the arguments do not match their definition at the Basic side, a TypeError is raised
  558. After execution, a check is done if the execution has raised an error within Basic
  559. If yes, a TypeError is raised
  560. :param action: Property Get, Property Let, Property Set, invoke Method or return UNO object
  561. :param basic: the reference of the Basic object, i.e. the index in the array caching the addresses of the objects
  562. conventionally Application = -1 and DoCmd = -2
  563. :param script: the property or method name
  564. :param args: the arguments of the method, if any
  565. :return: the value returned by the execution of the Basic routine
  566. """
  567. if COMPONENTCONTEXT == None: A2BConnect() # Connection from inside LibreOffice is done at first API invocation
  568. # Intercept special call to Application.Events()
  569. if basic == Application.basicmodule and script == 'Events':
  570. Script = cls.xScript('PythonEventsWrapper', _WRAPPERMODULE)
  571. Returned = Script.invoke((args[0],), (), ())
  572. else:
  573. Script = cls.xScript('PythonWrapper', _WRAPPERMODULE)
  574. NoArgs = '+++NOARGS+++' # Conventional notation for properties/methods without arguments
  575. if len(args) == 0:
  576. args = (action,) + (basic,) + (script,) + (NoArgs,)
  577. else:
  578. args = (action,) + (basic,) + (script,) + args
  579. try:
  580. Returned = Script.invoke((args), (), ())
  581. except Exception:
  582. raise TypeError("Access2Base error: method '" + script + "' call error. Check its arguments.")
  583. if isinstance(Returned[0], tuple):
  584. # Is returned value a reference to a basic object, a scalar or a UNO object ?
  585. if len(Returned[0]) in (3, 4):
  586. if Returned[0][0] == 0: # scalar
  587. return Returned[0][1]
  588. elif Returned[0][0] == 1: # reference to objects cache
  589. basicobject = cls.BasicObject(Returned[0][2])
  590. if len(Returned[0]) == 3:
  591. return basicobject(Returned[0][1], Returned[0][2])
  592. else:
  593. return basicobject(Returned[0][1], Returned[0][2], Returned[0][3])
  594. elif Returned[0][0] == 2: # Null value
  595. return None
  596. else: # Should not happen
  597. return None
  598. else: # UNO object
  599. return Returned[0]
  600. elif Returned[0] == None:
  601. if cls.VerifyNoError(): return None
  602. else: # Should not happen
  603. return Returned[0]
  604. @classmethod
  605. def VerifyNoError(cls):
  606. # has Access2Base generated an error ?
  607. errorstack = cls.A2BErrorCode() # 0 = code, 1 = severity, 2 = short text, 3 = long text
  608. if errorstack[1] in ('ERROR', 'FATAL', 'ABORT'):
  609. raise TypeError('Access2Base error: ' + errorstack[3])
  610. return True
  611. class Application(object, metaclass = _Singleton):
  612. """ Collection of methods located in the Application (Basic) module """
  613. W = _A2B.invokeWrapper
  614. basicmodule = -1
  615. @classmethod
  616. def AllDialogs(cls, dialog = acConstants.Missing):
  617. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'AllDialogs', dialog)
  618. @classmethod
  619. def AllForms(cls, form = acConstants.Missing):
  620. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'AllForms', form)
  621. @classmethod
  622. def AllModules(cls, module = acConstants.Missing):
  623. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'AllModules', module)
  624. @classmethod
  625. def CloseConnection(cls):
  626. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'CloseConnection')
  627. @classmethod
  628. def CommandBars(cls, bar = acConstants.Missing):
  629. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'CommandBars', bar)
  630. @classmethod
  631. def CurrentDb(cls):
  632. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'CurrentDb')
  633. @classmethod
  634. def CurrentUser(cls):
  635. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'CurrentUser')
  636. @classmethod
  637. def DAvg(cls, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
  638. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DAvg', expression, domain, criteria)
  639. @classmethod
  640. def DCount(cls, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
  641. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DCount', expression, domain, criteria)
  642. @classmethod
  643. def DLookup(cls, expression, domain, criteria = '', orderclause = ''):
  644. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DLookup', expression, domain, criteria, orderclause)
  645. @classmethod
  646. def DMax(cls, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
  647. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DMax', expression, domain, criteria)
  648. @classmethod
  649. def DMin(cls, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
  650. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DMin', expression, domain, criteria)
  651. @classmethod
  652. def DStDev(cls, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
  653. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DStDev', expression, domain, criteria)
  654. @classmethod
  655. def DStDevP(cls, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
  656. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DStDevP', expression, domain, criteria)
  657. @classmethod
  658. def DSum(cls, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
  659. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DSum', expression, domain, criteria)
  660. @classmethod
  661. def DVar(cls, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
  662. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DVar', expression, domain, criteria)
  663. @classmethod
  664. def DVarP(cls, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
  665. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DVarP', expression, domain, criteria)
  666. @classmethod
  667. def Events(cls, event):
  668. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'Events', event)
  669. @classmethod
  670. def Forms(cls, form = acConstants.Missing):
  671. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'Forms', form)
  672. @classmethod
  673. def getObject(cls, shortcut):
  674. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'getObject', shortcut)
  675. GetObject = getObject
  676. @classmethod
  677. def getValue(cls, shortcut):
  678. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'getValue', shortcut)
  679. GetValue = getValue
  680. @classmethod
  681. def HtmlEncode(cls, string, length = 0):
  682. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'HtmlEncode', string, length)
  683. @classmethod
  684. def OpenConnection(cls, thisdatabasedocument = acConstants.Missing):
  686. if COMPONENTCONTEXT == None: A2BConnect() # Connection from inside LibreOffice is done at first API invocation
  687. if DESKTOP != None:
  688. THISDATABASEDOCUMENT = DESKTOP.getCurrentComponent()
  689. return _A2B.invokeMethod('OpenConnection', 'Application', THISDATABASEDOCUMENT)
  690. @classmethod
  691. def OpenDatabase(cls, connectionstring, username = '', password = '', readonly = False):
  692. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'OpenDatabase', connectionstring, username
  693. , password, readonly)
  694. @classmethod
  695. def ProductCode(cls):
  696. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'ProductCode')
  697. @classmethod
  698. def setValue(cls, shortcut, value):
  699. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'setValue', shortcut, value)
  700. SetValue = setValue
  701. @classmethod
  702. def SysCmd(cls, action, text = '', value = -1):
  703. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'SysCmd', action, text, value)
  704. @classmethod
  705. def TempVars(cls, var = acConstants.Missing):
  706. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'TempVars', var)
  707. @classmethod
  708. def Version(cls):
  709. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'Version')
  710. class DoCmd(object, metaclass = _Singleton):
  711. """ Collection of methods located in the DoCmd (Basic) module """
  712. W = _A2B.invokeWrapper
  713. basicmodule = -2
  714. @classmethod
  715. def ApplyFilter(cls, filter = '', sqlwhere = '', controlname = ''):
  716. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'ApplyFilter', filter, sqlwhere, controlname)
  717. @classmethod
  718. def Close(cls, objecttype, objectname, save = acConstants.acSavePrompt):
  719. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'Close', objecttype, objectname, save)
  720. @classmethod
  721. def CopyObject(cls, sourcedatabase, newname, sourceobjecttype, sourceobjectname): # 1st argument must be set
  722. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'CopyObject', sourcedatabase, newname, sourceobjecttype
  723. , sourceobjectname)
  724. @classmethod
  725. def FindNext(cls):
  726. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'FindNext')
  727. @classmethod
  728. def FindRecord(cls, findwhat, match = acConstants.acEntire, matchcase = False, search = acConstants.acSearchAll
  729. , searchasformatted = False, onlycurrentfield = acConstants.acCurrent, findfirst = True):
  730. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'FindRecord', findwhat, match, matchcase, search
  731. , searchasformatted, onlycurrentfield, findfirst)
  732. @classmethod
  733. def GetHiddenAttribute(cls, objecttype, objectname = ''):
  734. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'GetHiddenAttribute', objecttype, objectname)
  735. @classmethod
  736. def GoToControl(cls, controlname):
  737. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'GoToControl', controlname)
  738. @classmethod
  739. def GoToRecord(cls, objecttype = acConstants.acActiveDataObject, objectname = '', record = acConstants.acNext
  740. , offset = 1):
  741. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'GoToRecord', objecttype, objectname, record, offset)
  742. @classmethod
  743. def Maximize(cls):
  744. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'Maximize')
  745. @classmethod
  746. def Minimize(cls):
  747. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'Minimize')
  748. @classmethod
  749. def MoveSize(cls, left = -1, top = -1, width = -1, height = -1):
  750. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'MoveSize', left, top, width, height)
  751. @classmethod
  752. def OpenForm(cls, formname, view = acConstants.acNormal, filter = '', wherecondition = ''
  753. , datamode = acConstants.acFormEdit, windowmode = acConstants.acWindowNormal, openargs = ''):
  754. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'OpenForm', formname, view, filter, wherecondition
  755. , datamode, windowmode, openargs)
  756. @classmethod
  757. def OpenQuery(cls, queryname, view = acConstants.acNormal, datamode = acConstants.acEdit):
  758. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'OpenQuery', queryname, view, datamode)
  759. @classmethod
  760. def OpenReport(cls, queryname, view = acConstants.acNormal):
  761. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'OpenReport', queryname, view)
  762. @classmethod
  763. def OpenSQL(cls, sql, option = -1):
  764. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'OpenSQL', sql, option)
  765. @classmethod
  766. def OpenTable(cls, tablename, view = acConstants.acNormal, datamode = acConstants.acEdit):
  767. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'OpenTable', tablename, view, datamode)
  768. @classmethod
  769. def OutputTo(cls, objecttype, objectname = '', outputformat = '', outputfile = '', autostart = False, templatefile = ''
  770. , encoding = acConstants.acUTF8Encoding, quality = acConstants.acExportQualityPrint):
  771. if objecttype == acConstants.acOutputForm: encoding = 0
  772. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'OutputTo', objecttype, objectname, outputformat
  773. , outputfile, autostart, templatefile, encoding, quality)
  774. @classmethod
  775. def Quit(cls):
  776. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'Quit')
  777. @classmethod
  778. def RunApp(cls, commandline):
  779. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'RunApp', commandline)
  780. @classmethod
  781. def RunCommand(cls, command):
  782. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'RunCommand', command)
  783. @classmethod
  784. def RunSQL(cls, SQL, option = -1):
  785. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'RunSQL', SQL, option)
  786. @classmethod
  787. def SelectObject(cls, objecttype, objectname = '', indatabasewindow = False):
  788. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'SelectObject', objecttype, objectname, indatabasewindow)
  789. @classmethod
  790. def SendObject(cls, objecttype = acConstants.acSendNoObject, objectname = '', outputformat = '', to = '', cc = ''
  791. , bcc = '', subject = '', messagetext = '', editmessage = True, templatefile = ''):
  792. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'SendObject', objecttype, objectname, outputformat, to, cc
  793. , bcc, subject, messagetext, editmessage, templatefile)
  794. @classmethod
  795. def SetHiddenAttribute(cls, objecttype, objectname = '', hidden = True):
  796. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'SetHiddenAttribute', objecttype, objectname, hidden)
  797. @classmethod
  798. def SetOrderBy(cls, orderby = '', controlname = ''):
  799. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'SetOrderBy', orderby, controlname)
  800. @classmethod
  801. def ShowAllRecords(cls):
  802. return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'ShowAllRecords')
  803. class Basic(object, metaclass = _Singleton):
  804. """ Collection of helper functions having the same behaviour as their Basic counterparts """
  805. M = _A2B.invokeMethod
  806. @classmethod
  807. def ConvertFromUrl(cls, url):
  808. return cls.M('PyConvertFromUrl', _WRAPPERMODULE, url)
  809. @classmethod
  810. def ConvertToUrl(cls, file):
  811. return cls.M('PyConvertToUrl', _WRAPPERMODULE, file)
  812. @classmethod
  813. def CreateUnoService(cls, servicename):
  814. return cls.M('PyCreateUnoService', _WRAPPERMODULE, servicename)
  815. @classmethod
  816. def DateAdd(cls, add, count, datearg):
  817. if isinstance(datearg, datetime.datetime): datearg = datearg.isoformat()
  818. dateadd = cls.M('PyDateAdd', _WRAPPERMODULE, add, count, datearg)
  819. return datetime.datetime.strptime(dateadd, acConstants.FromIsoFormat)
  820. @classmethod
  821. def DateDiff(cls, add, date1, date2, weekstart = 1, yearstart = 1):
  822. if isinstance(date1, datetime.datetime): date1 = date1.isoformat()
  823. if isinstance(date2, datetime.datetime): date2 = date2.isoformat()
  824. return cls.M('PyDateDiff', _WRAPPERMODULE, add, date1, date2, weekstart, yearstart)
  825. @classmethod
  826. def DatePart(cls, add, datearg, weekstart = 1, yearstart = 1):
  827. if isinstance(datearg, datetime.datetime): datearg = datearg.isoformat()
  828. return cls.M('PyDatePart', _WRAPPERMODULE, add, datearg, weekstart, yearstart)
  829. @classmethod
  830. def DateValue(cls, datestring):
  831. datevalue = cls.M('PyDateValue', _WRAPPERMODULE, datestring)
  832. return datetime.datetime.strptime(datevalue, acConstants.FromIsoFormat)
  833. @classmethod
  834. def Format(cls, value, format = None):
  835. if isinstance(value, (datetime.datetime,, datetime.time, )):
  836. value = value.isoformat()
  837. return cls.M('PyFormat', _WRAPPERMODULE, value, format)
  838. @classmethod
  839. def GetGUIType(cls):
  840. return cls.M('PyGetGUIType', _WRAPPERMODULE)
  841. @staticmethod
  842. def GetPathSeparator():
  843. return os.sep
  844. @classmethod
  845. def GetSystemTicks(cls):
  846. return cls.M('PyGetSystemTicks', _WRAPPERMODULE)
  847. @classmethod
  848. def MsgBox(cls, text, type = None, dialogtitle = None):
  849. return cls.M('PyMsgBox', _WRAPPERMODULE, text, type, dialogtitle)
  850. class GlobalScope(object, metaclass = _Singleton):
  851. @classmethod
  852. def BasicLibraries(cls):
  853. return Basic.M('PyGlobalScope', _WRAPPERMODULE, 'Basic')
  854. @classmethod
  855. def DialogLibraries(self):
  856. return Basic.M('PyGlobalScope', _WRAPPERMODULE, 'Dialog')
  857. @classmethod
  858. def InputBox(cls, text, title = None, default = None, xpos = None, ypos = None):
  859. return cls.M('PyInputBox', _WRAPPERMODULE, text, title, default, xpos, ypos)
  860. @staticmethod
  861. def Now():
  862. return
  863. @staticmethod
  864. def RGB(red, green, blue):
  865. return int('%02x%02x%02x' % (red, green, blue), 16)
  866. @classmethod
  867. def Timer(cls):
  868. return cls.M('PyTimer', _WRAPPERMODULE)
  869. @staticmethod
  870. def Xray(myObject):
  871. xrayscript = ''
  872. xScript = SCRIPTPROVIDER.getScript(xrayscript)
  873. xScript.invoke((myObject,), (), ())
  874. return
  875. class _BasicObject(object):
  876. """
  877. Parent class of Basic objects
  878. Each subclass is identified by its classProperties:
  879. dictionary with keys = allowed properties, value = True if editable or False
  880. Each instance is identified by its
  881. - reference in the cache managed by Basic
  882. - type ('DATABASE', 'COLLECTION', ...)
  883. - name (form, control, ... name) - may be blank
  884. Properties are got and set following next strategy:
  885. 1. Property names are controlled strictly ('Value' and not 'value')
  886. 2. Getting a property value for the first time is always done via a Basic call
  887. 3. Next occurrences are fetched from the Python dictionary of the instance if the property is read-only, otherwise via a Basic call
  888. 4. Methods output might force the deletion of a property from the dictionary ('MoveNext' changes 'BOF' and 'EOF' properties)
  889. 5. Setting a property value is done via a Basic call, except if self.internal == True
  890. """
  891. W = _A2B.invokeWrapper
  892. internal_attributes = ('objectreference', 'objecttype', 'name', 'internal')
  893. def __init__(self, reference = -1, objtype = None, name = ''):
  894. self.objectreference = reference # reference in the cache managed by Basic
  895. self.objecttype = objtype # ('DATABASE', 'COLLECTION', ...)
  896. = name # '' when no name
  897. self.internal = False # True to exceptionally allow assigning a new value to a read-only property
  898. self.localProperties = ()
  899. def __getattr__(self, name):
  900. if name in ('classProperties', 'localProperties'):
  901. pass
  902. elif name in self.classProperties:
  903. # Get Property from Basic
  904. return self.W(_vbGet, self.objectreference, name)
  905. # Usual attributes getter
  906. return super(_BasicObject, self).__getattribute__(name)
  907. def __setattr__(self, name, value):
  908. if name in ('classProperties', 'localProperties'):
  909. pass
  910. elif name in self.classProperties:
  911. if self.internal: # internal = True forces property setting even if property is read-only
  912. pass
  913. elif self.classProperties[name] == True: # True == Editable
  914. self.W(_vbLet, self.objectreference, name, value)
  915. else:
  916. raise AttributeError("type object '" + self.objecttype + "' has no editable attribute '" + name + "'")
  917. elif name[0:2] == '__' or name in self.internal_attributes or name in self.localProperties:
  918. pass
  919. else:
  920. raise AttributeError("type object '" + self.objecttype + "' has no attribute '" + name + "'")
  921. object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
  922. return
  923. def __repr__(self):
  924. repr = "Basic object (type='" + self.objecttype + "', index=" + str(self.objectreference)
  925. if len( > 0: repr += ", name='" + + "'"
  926. return repr + ")"
  927. def _Reset(self, propertyname, basicreturn = None):
  928. """ force new value or erase properties from dictionary (done to optimize calls to Basic scripts) """
  929. if propertyname in ('BOF', 'EOF'):
  930. # After a Move method invocation on a Recordset object, BOF or EOF likely to be got soon
  931. if isinstance(basicreturn, int):
  932. self.internal = True
  933. # f.i. basicreturn = 0b10 means: BOF = True, EOF = False
  934. self.BOF = basicreturn in (2, 3, -2, -3)
  935. self.EOF = basicreturn in (1, 3, -1, -3)
  936. self.internal = False
  937. return ( basicreturn >= 0 )
  938. else:
  939. # Suppress possibly invalid property values: e.g. RecordCount after Delete applied on Recordset object
  940. if property in self.__dict__:
  941. del(self.propertyname)
  942. return basicreturn
  943. @property
  944. def Name(self): return
  945. @property
  946. def ObjectType(self): return self.objecttype
  947. def Dispose(self):
  948. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Dispose')
  949. def getProperty(self, propertyname, index = acConstants.Missing):
  950. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'getProperty', propertyname, index)
  951. GetProperty = getProperty
  952. def hasProperty(self, propertyname):
  953. return propertyname in tuple(self.classProperties.keys())
  954. HasProperty = hasProperty
  955. def Properties(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
  956. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Properties', index)
  957. def setProperty(self, propertyname, value, index = acConstants.Missing):
  958. if self.hasProperty(propertyname):
  959. if self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'setProperty', propertyname, value, index):
  960. return self.__setattr__(propertyname, value)
  961. raise AttributeError("type object '" + self.objecttype + "' has no editable attribute '" + propertyname + "'")
  962. SetProperty = setProperty
  963. class _Collection(_BasicObject):
  964. """ Collection object built as a Python iterator """
  965. classProperties = dict(Count = False)
  966. def __init__(self, reference = -1, objtype = None):
  967. super().__init__(reference, objtype)
  968. self.localProperties = ('count', 'index')
  969. self.count = self.Count
  970. self.index = 0
  971. def __iter__(self):
  972. self.index = 0
  973. return self
  974. def __next__(self):
  975. if self.index >= self.count:
  976. raise StopIteration
  977. next = self.Item(self.index)
  978. self.index = self.index + 1
  979. return next
  980. def __len__(self):
  981. return self.count
  982. def Add(self, table, value = acConstants.Missing):
  983. if isinstance(table, _BasicObject): # Add method applied to a TABLEDEFS collection
  984. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Add', table.objectreference)
  985. else: # Add method applied to a TEMPVARS collection
  986. add = self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Add', table, value)
  987. self.count = self.Count
  988. return add
  989. def Delete(self, name):
  990. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Delete', name)
  991. def Item(self, index):
  992. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Item', index)
  993. def Remove(self, tempvarname):
  994. remove = self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Remove', tempvarname)
  995. self.count = self.Count
  996. return remove
  997. def RemoveAll(self):
  998. remove = self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'RemoveAll')
  999. self.count = self.Count
  1000. return remove
  1001. class _CommandBar(_BasicObject):
  1002. classProperties = dict(BuiltIn = False, Parent = False, Visible = True)
  1003. def CommandBarControls(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
  1004. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'CommandBarControls', index)
  1005. def Reset(self):
  1006. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Reset')
  1007. class _CommandBarControl(_BasicObject):
  1008. classProperties = dict(BeginGroup = False, BuiltIn = False, Caption = True, Index = False, OnAction = True
  1009. , Parent = False, TooltipText = True, Type = False, Visible = True)
  1010. def Execute(self):
  1011. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Execute')
  1012. class _Control(_BasicObject):
  1013. classProperties = dict(BackColor = True, BorderColor = True, BorderStyle = True, Cancel = True, Caption = True
  1014. , ControlSource = False, ControlTipText = True, ControlType = False, Default = True
  1015. , DefaultValue = True, Enabled = True, FontBold = True, FontItalic = True, FontName = True
  1016. , FontSize = True, FontUnderline = True, FontWeight = True, ForeColor = True, Form = False
  1017. , Format = True, ItemData = False, ListCount = False, ListIndex = True, Locked = True, MultiSelect = True
  1018. , OnActionPerformed = True, OnAdjustmentValueChanged = True, OnApproveAction = True
  1019. , OnApproveReset = True, OnApproveUpdate = True, OnChanged = True, OnErrorOccurred = True
  1020. , OnFocusGained = True, OnFocusLost = True, OnItemStateChanged = True, OnKeyPressed = True
  1021. , OnKeyReleased = True, OnMouseDragged = True, OnMouseEntered = True, OnMouseExited = True
  1022. , OnMouseMoved = True, OnMousePressed = True, OnMouseReleased = True, OnResetted = True, OnTextChanged = True
  1023. , OnUpdated = True, OptionValue = False, Page = False, Parent = False, Picture = True, Required = True
  1024. , RowSource = True, RowSourceType = True, Selected = True, SelLength = True, SelStart = True, SelText = True
  1025. , SubType = False, TabIndex = True, TabStop = True, Tag = True, Text = False, TextAlign = True
  1026. , TripleState = True, Value = True, Visible = True
  1027. )
  1028. @property
  1029. def BoundField(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'BoundField')
  1030. @property
  1031. def ControlModel(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'ControlModel')
  1032. @property
  1033. def ControlView(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'ControlView')
  1034. @property
  1035. def LabelControl(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'LabelControl')
  1036. def AddItem(self, value, index = -1):
  1037. basicreturn = self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'AddItem', value, index)
  1038. self._Reset('ItemData')
  1039. self._Reset('ListCount')
  1040. return basicreturn
  1041. def Controls(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
  1042. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Controls', index)
  1043. # Overrides method in parent class: list of properties is strongly control type dependent
  1044. def hasProperty(self, propertyname):
  1045. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'hasProperty', propertyname)
  1046. HasProperty = hasProperty
  1047. def RemoveItem(self, index):
  1048. basicreturn = self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'RemoveItem', index)
  1049. self._Reset('ItemData')
  1050. self._Reset('ListCount')
  1051. return basicreturn
  1052. def Requery(self):
  1053. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Requery')
  1054. def SetSelected(self, value, index):
  1055. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'SetSelected', value, index)
  1056. def SetFocus(self):
  1057. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'SetFocus')
  1058. class _Database(_BasicObject):
  1059. classProperties = dict(Connect = False, OnCreate = True
  1060. , OnFocus = True, OnLoad = True, OnLoadFinished = True, OnModifyChanged = True, OnNew = True
  1061. , OnPrepareUnload = True, OnPrepareViewClosing = True, OnSave = True, OnSaveAs = True
  1062. , OnSaveAsDone = True, OnSaveAsFailed = True, OnSaveDone = True, OnSaveFailed = True
  1063. , OnSubComponentClosed = True, OnSubComponentOpened = True, OnTitleChanged = True, OnUnfocus = True
  1064. , OnUnload = True, OnViewClosed = True, OnViewCreated = True, Version = False
  1065. )
  1066. @property
  1067. def Connection(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'Connection')
  1068. @property
  1069. def Document(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'Document')
  1070. @property
  1071. def MetaData(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'MetaData')
  1072. def Close(self):
  1073. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Close')
  1074. def CloseAllRecordsets(self):
  1075. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'CloseAllRecordsets')
  1076. def CreateQueryDef(self, name, sqltext, option = -1):
  1077. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'CreateQueryDef', name, sqltext, option)
  1078. def CreateTableDef(self, name):
  1079. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'CreateTableDef', name)
  1080. def DAvg(self, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
  1081. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'DAvg', expression, domain, criteria)
  1082. def DCount(self, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
  1083. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'DCount', expression, domain, criteria)
  1084. def DLookup(self, expression, domain, criteria = '', orderclause = ''):
  1085. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'DLookup', expression, domain, criteria, orderclause)
  1086. def DMax(self, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
  1087. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'DMax', expression, domain, criteria)
  1088. def DMin(self, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
  1089. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'DMin', expression, domain, criteria)
  1090. def DStDev(self, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
  1091. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'DStDev', expression, domain, criteria)
  1092. def DStDevP(self, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
  1093. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'DStDevP', expression, domain, criteria)
  1094. def DVar(self, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
  1095. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'DVar', expression, domain, criteria)
  1096. def DVarP(self, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
  1097. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'DVarP', expression, domain, criteria)
  1098. def OpenRecordset(self, source, type = -1, option = -1, lockedit = -1):
  1099. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'OpenRecordset', source, type, option, lockedit)
  1100. def OpenSQL(self, SQL, option = -1):
  1101. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'OpenSQL', SQL, option)
  1102. def OutputTo(self, objecttype, objectname = '', outputformat = '', outputfile = '', autostart = False, templatefile = ''
  1103. , encoding = acConstants.acUTF8Encoding, quality = acConstants.acExportQualityPrint):
  1104. if objecttype == acConstants.acOutputForm: encoding = 0
  1105. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'OutputTo', objecttype, objectname, outputformat, outputfile
  1106. , autostart, templatefile, encoding, quality)
  1107. def QueryDefs(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
  1108. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'QueryDefs', index)
  1109. def Recordsets(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
  1110. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Recordsets', index)
  1111. def RunSQL(self, SQL, option = -1):
  1112. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'RunSQL', SQL, option)
  1113. def TableDefs(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
  1114. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'TableDefs', index)
  1115. class _Dialog(_BasicObject):
  1116. classProperties = dict(Caption = True, Height = True, IsLoaded = False, OnFocusGained = True
  1117. , OnFocusLost = True, OnKeyPressed = True, OnKeyReleased = True, OnMouseDragged = True
  1118. , OnMouseEntered = True, OnMouseExited = True, OnMouseMoved = True, OnMousePressed = True
  1119. , OnMouseReleased = True, Page = True, Parent = False, Visible = True, Width = True
  1120. )
  1121. @property
  1122. def UnoDialog(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'UnoDialog')
  1123. def EndExecute(self, returnvalue):
  1124. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'EndExecute', returnvalue)
  1125. def Execute(self):
  1126. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Execute')
  1127. def Move(self, left = -1, top = -1, width = -1, height = -1):
  1128. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Move', left, top, width, height)
  1129. def OptionGroup(self, groupname):
  1130. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'OptionGroup', groupname)
  1131. def Start(self):
  1132. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Start')
  1133. def Terminate(self):
  1134. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Terminate')
  1135. class _Event(_BasicObject):
  1136. classProperties = dict(ButtonLeft = False, ButtonMiddle = False, ButtonRight = False, ClickCount = False
  1137. , ContextShortcut = False, EventName = False, EventType = False, FocusChangeTemporary = False
  1138. , KeyAlt = False, KeyChar = False, KeyCode = False, KeyCtrl = False, KeyFunction = False, KeyShift = False
  1139. , Recommendation = False, RowChangeAction = False, Source = False, SubComponentName = False
  1140. , SubComponentType = False, XPos = False, YPos = False
  1141. )
  1142. class _Field(_BasicObject):
  1143. classProperties = dict(DataType = False, DataUpdatable = False, DbType = False, DefaultValue = True
  1144. , Description = True, FieldSize = False, Size = False, Source = False
  1145. , SourceField = False, SourceTable = False, TypeName = False, Value = True
  1146. )
  1147. @property
  1148. def Column(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'Column')
  1149. def AppendChunk(self, value):
  1150. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'AppendChunk', value)
  1151. def GetChunk(self, offset, numbytes):
  1152. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'GetChunk', offset, numbytes)
  1153. def ReadAllBytes(self, file):
  1154. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'ReadAllBytes', file)
  1155. def ReadAllText(self, file):
  1156. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'ReadAllText', file)
  1157. def WriteAllBytes(self, file):
  1158. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'WriteAllBytes', file)
  1159. def WriteAllText(self, file):
  1160. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'WriteAllText', file)
  1161. class _Form(_BasicObject):
  1162. classProperties = dict(AllowAdditions = True, AllowDeletions = True, AllowEdits = True, Bookmark = True
  1163. , Caption = True, CurrentRecord = True, Filter = True, FilterOn = True, Height = True
  1164. , IsLoaded = False, OnApproveCursorMove = True, OnApproveParameter = True, OnApproveReset = True
  1165. , OnApproveRowChange = True, OnApproveSubmit = True, OnConfirmDelete = True, OnCursorMoved = True
  1166. , OnErrorOccurred = True, OnLoaded = True, OnReloaded = True, OnReloading = True, OnResetted = True
  1167. , OnRowChanged = True, OnUnloaded = True, OnUnloading = True, OpenArgs = False, OrderBy = True
  1168. , OrderByOn = True, Parent = False, Recordset = False, RecordSource = True, Visible = True
  1169. , Width = True
  1170. )
  1171. @property
  1172. def Component(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'Component')
  1173. @property
  1174. def ContainerWindow(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'ContainerWindow')
  1175. @property
  1176. def DatabaseForm(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'DatabaseForm')
  1177. def Close(self):
  1178. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Close')
  1179. def Controls(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
  1180. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Controls', index)
  1181. def Move(self, left = -1, top = -1, width = -1, height = -1):
  1182. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Move', left, top, width, height)
  1183. def OptionGroup(self, groupname):
  1184. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'OptionGroup', groupname)
  1185. def Refresh(self):
  1186. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Refresh')
  1187. def Requery(self):
  1188. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Requery')
  1189. def SetFocus(self):
  1190. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'SetFocus')
  1191. class _Module(_BasicObject):
  1192. classProperties = dict(CountOfDeclarationLines = False, CountOfLines = False, Type = False)
  1193. def __init__(self, reference = -1, objtype = None, name = ''):
  1194. super().__init__(reference, objtype, name)
  1195. self.localProperties = ('startline', 'startcolumn', 'endline', 'endcolumn', 'prockind')
  1196. def Find(self, target, startline, startcolumn, endline, endcolumn, wholeword = False
  1197. , matchcase = False, patternsearch = False):
  1198. Returned = self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Find', target, startline, startcolumn, endline
  1199. , endcolumn, wholeword, matchcase, patternsearch)
  1200. if isinstance(Returned, tuple):
  1201. if Returned[0] == True and len(Returned) == 5:
  1202. self.startline = Returned[1]
  1203. self.startcolumn = Returned[2]
  1204. self.endline = Returned[3]
  1205. self.endcolumn = Returned[4]
  1206. return Returned[0]
  1207. return Returned
  1208. def Lines(self, line, numlines):
  1209. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Lines', line, numlines)
  1210. def ProcBodyLine(self, procname, prockind):
  1211. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'ProcBodyLine', procname, prockind)
  1212. def ProcCountLines(self, procname, prockind):
  1213. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'ProcCountLines', procname, prockind)
  1214. def ProcOfLine(self, line, prockind):
  1215. Returned = self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'ProcOfLine', line, prockind)
  1216. if isinstance(Returned, tuple):
  1217. if len(Returned) == 2:
  1218. self.prockind = Returned[1]
  1219. return Returned[0]
  1220. return Returned
  1221. def ProcStartLine(self, procname, prockind):
  1222. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'ProcStartLine', procname, prockind)
  1223. class _OptionGroup(_BasicObject):
  1224. classProperties = dict(Count = False, Value = True)
  1225. def Controls(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
  1226. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Controls', index)
  1227. class _Property(_BasicObject):
  1228. classProperties = dict(Value = True)
  1229. class _QueryDef(_BasicObject):
  1230. classProperties = dict(SQL = True, Type = False)
  1231. @property
  1232. def Query(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'Query')
  1233. def Execute(self, options = acConstants.Missing):
  1234. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Execute', options)
  1235. def Fields(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
  1236. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Fields', index)
  1237. def OpenRecordset(self, type = -1, option = -1, lockedit = -1):
  1238. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'OpenRecordset', type, option, lockedit)
  1239. class _Recordset(_BasicObject):
  1240. classProperties = dict(AbsolutePosition = True, BOF = False, Bookmark = True, Bookmarkable = False
  1241. , EditMode = False, EOF = False, Filter = True, RecordCount = False
  1242. )
  1243. @property
  1244. def RowSet(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'RowSet')
  1245. def AddNew(self):
  1246. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'AddNew')
  1247. def CancelUpdate(self):
  1248. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'CancelUpdate')
  1249. def Clone(self):
  1250. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Clone')
  1251. def Close(self):
  1252. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Close')
  1253. def Delete(self):
  1254. return self._Reset('RecordCount',self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Delete'))
  1255. def Edit(self):
  1256. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Edit')
  1257. def Fields(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
  1258. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Fields', index)
  1259. def GetRows(self, numrows):
  1260. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'GetRows', numrows)
  1261. def Move(self, rows, startbookmark = acConstants.Missing):
  1262. return self._Reset('BOF', self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Move', rows, startbookmark))
  1263. def MoveFirst(self):
  1264. return self._Reset('BOF', self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'MoveFirst'))
  1265. def MoveLast(self):
  1266. return self._Reset('BOF', self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'MoveLast'))
  1267. def MoveNext(self):
  1268. return self._Reset('BOF', self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'MoveNext'))
  1269. def MovePrevious(self):
  1270. return self._Reset('BOF', self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'MovePrevious'))
  1271. def OpenRecordset(self, type = -1, option = -1, lockedit = -1):
  1272. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'OpenRecordset', type, option, lockedit)
  1273. def Update(self):
  1274. return self._Reset('RecordCount',self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Update'))
  1275. class _SubForm(_Form):
  1276. classProperties = dict(AllowAdditions = True, AllowDeletions = True, AllowEdits = True, CurrentRecord = True
  1277. , Filter = True, FilterOn = True, LinkChildFields = False, LinkMasterFields = False
  1278. , OnApproveCursorMove = True, OnApproveParameter = True, OnApproveReset = True
  1279. , OnApproveRowChange = True, OnApproveSubmit = True, OnConfirmDelete = True, OnCursorMoved = True
  1280. , OnErrorOccurred = True, OnLoaded = True, OnReloaded = True, OnReloading = True, OnResetted = True
  1281. , OnRowChanged = True, OnUnloaded = True, OnUnloading = True, OrderBy = True
  1282. , OrderByOn = True, Parent = False, Recordset = False, RecordSource = True, Visible = True
  1283. )
  1284. def SetFocus(self):
  1285. raise AttributeError("type object 'SubForm' has no method 'SetFocus'")
  1286. class _TableDef(_BasicObject):
  1287. classProperties = dict()
  1288. @property
  1289. def Table(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'Table')
  1290. def CreateField(self, name, type, size = 0, attributes = 0):
  1291. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'CreateField', name, type, size, attributes)
  1292. def Fields(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
  1293. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Fields', index)
  1294. def OpenRecordset(self, type = -1, option = -1, lockedit = -1):
  1295. return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'OpenRecordset', type, option, lockedit)
  1296. class _TempVar(_BasicObject):
  1297. classProperties = dict(Value = True)
  1298. """
  1299. Set of directly callable error handling methods
  1300. """
  1301. def DebugPrint(*args):
  1302. dargs = ()
  1303. for arg in args:
  1304. if isinstance(arg, _BasicObject):
  1305. arg = ('[' + arg.objecttype + '] ' +
  1306. dargs = dargs + (arg,)
  1307. return _A2B.invokeMethod('DebugPrint', _WRAPPERMODULE, *dargs)
  1308. def TraceConsole(): return _A2B.invokeMethod('TraceConsole', 'Trace')
  1309. def TraceError(tracelevel, errorcode, errorprocedure, errorline):
  1310. return _A2B.invokeMethod('TraceError', 'Trace', tracelevel, errorcode, errorprocedure, errorline)
  1311. def TraceLevel(newtracelevel = 'ERROR'): return _A2B.invokeMethod('TraceLevel', 'Trace', newtracelevel)
  1312. def TraceLog(tracelevel, text, messagebox = True):
  1313. return _A2B.invokeMethod('TraceLog', 'Trace', tracelevel, text, messagebox)